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When it comes to the world of dental restoration, nothing has quite revolutionized the industry as much as dental implants. In the past, things like difficulties chewing specific foods were rife for those wearing dentures, but this has all changed. Since originally becoming prevalent in the United States in the 1980s, the market for dental implants has exploded, with the global market for dental implants today standing at an estimated worth of around $9.1 billion in 2018. One popular implant treatment is the full mouth dental implant. Ahead, we will take you through all the ins and outs of the full mouth dental implant and how it can replace dentures completely.

What Is a Dental Implant?

Put simply, a dental implant is an artificial tooth root, essentially a titanium screw that fuses with the jawbone. When a dental implant is installed into your jawbone it is able to bond with it and become a sturdy base for one or more crowns, or artificial teeth. A connector, known in fancy terminology as an "abutment," gets placed onto the implant and supports the crowns and holds them in place. Any crowns that will be being installed are each custom made to order, and designed to match with any other teeth and fit comfortably inside your mouth. The modern dental implants of today have been in use successfully for more than 30 years now, and are the strongest devices available for those who wish to support replacement teeth. Best of all, dental implants allow any replacement teeth to look, feel and function naturally and exactly like the real thing.

What Are Full Mouth Dental Implants?

A dental implant in and of itself does not actually restore any teeth, more so the implants provide a frame, or substructure, upon which the teeth can be supported. The number of implants used will determine the way in which your missing teeth will be replaced. A brief and basic summary of full mouth dental implants break down as such:

  • 2 to 4 dental implants: When looking to replace all of your teeth, 2 implants would usually be the minimum amount of implants required. The implants will typically be placed in the location that the canines were, and support small pop studs that stick up on top of the gums. A full denture then clicks into place on top of the studs.
  • 4-6 dental implants: With additional dental implants then a fixed bridge may be able to be installed. With a fixed bridge, the dentist screws a bridge made either of metal and porcelain or zirconia onto the heads of the dental implants. Only the dentist will be able to remove a fixed bridge, and will do so from time to time for the sake of maintenance.

By having full mouth dental implants, you can support the surrounding bone, preventing the possibility of bone resorption, and supporting the final restoration so that it can keep well and truly in place. Full mouth dental implants can, however, require more maintenance than a regular denture, and is more expensive in the short term than regular dentures are.

How Do Full Mouth Dental Implants Compare to Dentures?

For those who perhaps currently are wearing dentures and are considering an upgrade to implants, or those who are considering whether dentures or implants are the right option for them, we have some handy information with regards to how the two compare to one another.

  • Dental implants can keep you looking young by preserving your remaining jawbone and maintaining facial structure, whereas dentures decrease jawbone quality and can lead to further deterioration of your facial structure.
  • Dental implants both function and feel like natural teeth, while dentures can often feel fake and unnatural.
  • There’s no need for any adhesives or creams with dental implants, unlike with dentures.
  • Dental implants are strong, stable and fixed securely to the jaw, allowing them to fit comfortably. Dentures, on the other hand, can often slip and move around.
  • Dental implants are a long lasting solution, lasting around 25 years, whereas dentures will need to be replaced every 7 to 15.
  • Normal chewing capacity can be fully restored with dental implants, however those with dentures will have to avoid certain foods.
  • Dental implants are easy to clean and take care of, whereas dentures will need to be regularly removed in order to be cleaned.
  • An investment into dental implants can last a lifetime, whereas dentures, while less expensive in the short term, are often less effective.

When it comes to cost, on a short-term basis, dentures can be a more affordable option. However, once you start taking into consideration factors such as purchasing fixatives, cleaning solutions and eventual denture replacements, the costs start to grow and grow. You’ll need to replace your dentures once you’ve been using them for about 7 to 15 years, whereas dental implants can last for 25, making them something more of a longer term investment in oneself.

How Much Does it Cost to get Full Mouth Dental Implants in Los Angeles?

The price of full mouth dental implants in Los Angeles can vary, with single implants ranging anywhere from $1,500 to $6,000, and multiple teeth implants going from as low as $1,500 to as high as a whopping $50,000. One of the most commonly chosen options for those looking for dental implants is full mouth implants. Implant supported dentures such as these can range anywhere from around $7,000 to $90,000, with the average cost falling in at around $34,000. For those looking for just a single top or bottom set, this could set them back around $3,500 to $30,000. One of the main reasons for the seemingly extreme costs of dental implants comes from the need to have both a dentist and a surgeon involved, and all of the visits needed for the procedures that will be required. There are many steps to the process of having dental implants installed, including, and not limited to, X-rays, bone grafts and teeth extraction. You can start to see how these costs can all add up.